Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. Please, explain following situajiju. I polgo...

Xenia of M.
16.08.2004, 20:41
Hello, the doctor.
Please, explain following situajiju. I half a year accept contraceptive Tri-mersi. I keep all rules of reception, by-effects are not present, with a preparation is happy or enough. On medium, on September, 10th, t. e. Last week, has begun the next packing. On Sunday has accepted 5 uju a tablet as usually, in 4 one o'clock in the afternoon. About half seventh, t. e. In 2, 5 hours after prema tablets, I had a diarrhoea: not strong, but just in case (and suddenly it was not soaked up in a blood) I vse-taki have drunk one more same tablet. A question in the given communication or connection two:
1) If the first tablet really has not had time to be soaked up in a blood, and I have accepted one more in 2, 5 hours, whether that is saved contraceptive effect, or it is necessary to be protected in addition and during what time?
2) If the first tablet vse-taki has had time to be soaked up in a blood, whether that will be overdosages iz-what I have accepted one more? And whether it is necessary and in this case vse-peerly in addition to be protected?
Yours faithfully,

Soboleva L.I.
18.08.2004, 05:06
Hello! 1. Yes, it is saved. Additional preservation is not required. 2. No, will not be. In addition to be protected it is not necessary.

Xenia of M.
18.08.2004, 21:49
Many thanks for the answer. If it is possible, one more question: in the extremity or end of September I am going to for a week on the sea - just that week and the menses should begin. I know, that it is possible to delay it or her by means of tablets, and like, on so much days, on how much it is necessary. Whether I can spend on drink in this case tablets for one week more longly, t. e. After the termination or ending of present packing (Tri-mersi) to drink 7 more white tablets from new packing, and then to make usual 7 dnevnyj a break? Or you would advise something or something else?
Yours faithfully,

19.08.2004, 06:44
Xenia, read a leaf the loose leaf more closely or attentively:
You can detain the beginning of a menses if will begin reception of white tablets from following packing. Thus it is possible to remove offensive or approach of the next menses a maximum for 7 days. Begin following packing after usual 7 day time breaks in reception of tablets.

Soboleva L.I.
20.08.2004, 20:08
Kakih-any essentially new schemes or plans of reception Ok do not exist. You also have written a right answer.