Просмотр полной версии : Good evening! Wrote to you in occasion of raised or increased Prolactinum, a polycystosis jaichn...

19.08.2004, 03:41
Good evening! Wrote to you in occasion of raised or increased Prolactinum, a polycystosis of ovaries and in this connection
Asked about an opportunity of reception " Diane-35 ".
You have responded, that to me neobzodimo to lower Prolactinum.
Has not found the question from 21.11.00.
I have made US and would like to receive your consultation once again.
Results of US the following: a uterus on an average line, contours equal, razmery-length 40,
peredne-zadnij-30, poperechnik-42,
SHCH/the M 20, corresponds or meets to age norm or rate. Ehostruktura a myometrium usual.
Endometry thickness 5 6, 2 phase m/a cycle: it is less than the norm or rate, homogeneous.
The left ovary: it is more than norm or rate 323335. Diameter of cystic includings or incorporations 4 6.
Is behind from a uterus. V-20. See
The right ovary: it is more than norm or rate 452435. Diameter of cystic includings or incorporations 4 6. V-20, 5. See
The conclusion: ehograficheskaja a picture of a polycystosis of ovaries.
The doctor has told or said to refuse reception of any hormonal contraceptives and to try
To become pregnant, and she has told or said, that
The opportunity to become pregnant is absolutely insignificant, t. To. At me do not grow ripe follicles in ovaries.
How to treat a polycystosis and to lower Prolactinum,
She has not responded, having told or said, that consultation ginekologa-the endocrinologist is necessary.
Very much to you it would be grateful for advice or council what to do or make further if I vse-taki, before to try to become pregnant, would like to get rid whenever possible of a polycystosis, a pilosis and other troubles.
In advance many thanks.

Oshchepkova S.R.
20.08.2004, 19:01
Treatment of a polycystosis very complex or difficult. Chances to become pregnant at this disease really not always are. Probably operative treatment, as chance to become pregnant. It is necessary to search for the reason of a polycystosis, t. e. To hand over a blood on hormones: Progesteronum, Testosteron-Depotum, AKTG. And then to choose treatment.