Просмотр полной версии : Whether the future child can inherit character traits not only the father...

The anonym
18.08.2004, 22:16
Whether the future child can inherit character traits not only the father, but also the first men with which mother of this child had the sexual relations or " has lost virginity "? It as in animal industries: the first bull at the cow should be thoroughbred. And people it too an animal organism. What your opinion in this occasion?

The anonym
20.08.2004, 01:54

To the author of the previous report
20.08.2004, 14:19
It you is simple not in a course, and a phenomenon known enough. On the psychoanalyst come.

20.08.2004, 17:33
Similar questions should be set not to the psychoanalyst, and not to the gastroenterologist, and at all or even not the neurosurgeon. Though all NORMAL doctors in a course of that, how it occurs or happens. Ask genetics. Or esteem the detailed description of how there is a fertilization and what cells in itself participate and, hence, okazyvajutvlijanie on the future child (carry the genetic information). So bosh.