Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, prompt please, whether much raised or increased level HCHG can...

19.08.2004, 02:31
The doctor, prompt please, whether much raised or increased level HCHG can at nomalnom level AFP to specify threat of an abortion? Or in itself HCHG on it does not influence? Such I have received Results on 20 nedelkah. And one doctor speaks me, that there is a threat preryyvanija, and genetik considers or counts, that that's all right... .komu to believe? Thanks big!

Oshchepkova S.R.
20.08.2004, 10:56
In II trimester maintenance or contents HGCH is stabilized on low (nearby 20 ME/ml) a level, and then increases a little. Hypersecretion HGCH arises as a variant of norm or rate at multifetal, and as at the prolonged pregnancy. At detection in Serum of mother of value or meanings;importance AFP and HGCH, exceeding threshold, it is necessary to spend detailed UZ research for exception of congenital developmental anomalies of a fetus in dynamics or changes, considering high probability of formation of defects in later durations of gestation. At the normal conclusion of US and steadily high level AFP - diagnostic amniotsentez with the purpose of research AFP in an amnionic liquid and karyotypings of a fetus.
The important problem is prenatal diagnostics of chromosomal diseases of a fetus, especially a syndrome of the Down meeting frequency 1/800. It is known, that at pregnancy a fetus with a syndrome of the Down level AFP in Serum of mother, as a rule, it is lowered. Level HGCH raises or increases in 2.5 times and more from average value or meaning;importance even more authentically. Besides at an estimation of risk of a birth of the child with a syndrome of the Down, own risk of the woman sharply increasing or enlarged with the years is considered. So, for the woman of 40 years the age risk on a syndrome of the Down makes 1/50.
At threat of abortion HGCH it is lowered.