Просмотр полной версии : What is for illness or disease a cystic degeneration of an ovary at the girl of 17 years? What...

17.08.2004, 17:04
What is for illness or disease a cystic degeneration of an ovary at the girl of 17 years? Whether you would advise treatment by hormones correctly it what treatments offer or suggest.?

Soboleva L.I.
18.08.2004, 18:21
Dear Anfisa! Cystic changes of ovaries can be caused or called by various hormonal disturbances. Speak about treatment that doctor who knows the reasons or even displays of the disease, the researches given additional methods can only. I think, that the doctor necessary treatment.

19.08.2004, 19:59
My daughter of 17 years monthly irregular
Happen in a month or through two
The doctor has appointed or nominated to accept Bellataminalum for the night
On a tablet of 30 days and vitamin E
Have made uzi it has shown that an ovary on the right 2017
Ovary at the left 342220
With what it is connected and that can be in the future
Whether to accept Bellataminalum
You offer what treatment and inspection