Просмотр полной версии : Duration of gestation - 24 weeks. I accept Maternu. The doctor in ZHK has told or said, that this...

16.08.2004, 16:19
Duration of gestation - 24 weeks. I accept Maternu. The doctor in ZHK has told or said, that now it is necessary to spend on drink besides vitamins a course of Acidum folicum (1 pieces 3 times a day). Whether It is necessary to drink in addition folivevuju an acid if in Materne the demanded quantity or amount already contains. Whether there can be overdosages?

The anonym
17.08.2004, 08:51
No, the doctor is not right, t. To. There will be an overdosage that is the extremely dangerous to the kid... It is possible to drink only "Maternu", and in her soderzhitsja all the most necessary in the necessary proportions!

18.08.2004, 20:23
And I read, that folivaja the acid in greater or big kol-vah does not cause or cause the complications, necessary kol-in is acquired, and the rest is deduced or removed by an organism.

19.08.2004, 17:10
And I read, that folivaja the acid in greater or big kol-vah does not cause or cause the complications, necessary kol-in is acquired, and the rest is deduced or removed by an organism. And in general, who it to you has responded the first 9 to the signature), not clearly. Can, absolutely and not the doctor. And your gynecologist knows what to advise, to him is more visible.