Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please, at me pregnancy 21 week, I pass or I take place course of treatment...

15.08.2004, 20:37
Prompt please, at me pregnancy 21 week, I pass or I take place course of treatment from a clamidiosis, after reception of antibiotics (Rovamycinum) in current of 7 days, the doctor has appointed or nominated to me intramusculary injections imunoglobulina hlamidijnogo. Has gone to other doctor and she has told or said that pregnant women to not accept this preparation better. Prompt please, whether harmfully to accept imunoglobulin hlamidijnyj during pregnancy? I do not know what vrachaslushat and that to me to do or make...

The anonym
16.08.2004, 18:06
Ask the third, the fourth, but find togas to that believe. Here for doctors do not wait...

19.08.2004, 17:06
Ask the third, the fourth, but find that to that believe. Here for doctors do not wait...