Просмотр полной версии : Hello! One year ago at me the child with a syndrome of the Down was born, has died chere...

11.08.2004, 17:21
Hello! One year ago at me the child with a syndrome of the Down was born, has died in a week. Did or made cesarean section. To me 25 years will be fast. Now very much strashnno, that all can repeat. Here from here and a question: on what term it is possible to establish or install this disease? Thanks.

15.08.2004, 06:10
In the first trimester of pregnancy

The anonym
16.08.2004, 06:05
Necessarily get registered in mediko-the genetic center. There will count or reckon your theoretical risk, will hand over all analyses, will be under the control. Probably, with you never to repeat similar. Successes to you and your future kid!

19.08.2004, 15:55
It agree with Talloj, but I shall specify from 10 weeks of pregnancy. It is necessary to address at pregnancy in the center of prenatal diagnostics, as a rule they settle down at mediko-the genetic centers