Просмотр полной версии : Hello, prompt what to do or make please with a thrush on 9 weeks be...

18.08.2004, 20:32
Hello, prompt what to do or make please with a thrush on 9 weeks of pregnancy. I am observed at 2 doctors and at them the different points of view on this bill. Thanks.

19.08.2004, 13:39
I advise you to not hurry up yet with treatment of a thrush. On early terms it is necessary to approach or suit to reception of medical products if there is no full information on influence of these preparations on a fetus very cautiously. To begin treatment it is better in the second trimester. From agents which appointed or nominated to me at the first pregnancy - Clotrimazolum, but he helps or assists not so well, recommend also Pimafutsin. More close to sorts or labors apply polizhinaks and spend sanation of a vagina by a solution burs in Glycerinum.