Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! 3 years there are delays monthly. Now absolutely for...

Rose, 50 years
19.08.2004, 08:46
The dear doctor! 3 years there are delays monthly. Now have absolutely tortured inflow. The doctor recommends femoston, but how much or as far as I have understood, this medicine in any measure will return monthly. And whether it is necessary? Again it will be necessary to be engaged in contraception. Besides a climacterium - business natural, what for to delay? The girlfriend has consulted to the doctor who has recommended livial as the most correct. Whether it is necessary livial to accept? What it is necessary to undertake? Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
19.08.2004, 12:53
If it is saved d azhe an irregular cycle reception of the combined preparations for ZGT is recommended, thus there will be regular menstrualno a similar reaction that does not demand contraception. On a background liviala to be saved an irregular menses but basically inflow and tp are compensated. I would recommend femoston or klimonorm