Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Whether tell or say, please, influence fizioprotsedury - elektrof...

18.08.2004, 01:38
The dear doctor!
Whether tell or say, please, influence fizioprotsedury - an electrophoresis with sernokislym Zincum and ultrasound - occurrence or body height of cystic educations in appendages? To me have appointed or nominated them for a resorption of solderings on ovaries, but on US at me the left ovary melkokistoznoj structures or frames. I departed already on 7 procedures of ultrasound (from 10) and on 2 elekttroforeza (from 10), have begun monthly, while a break with procedures. Mum has told or said, what is it provokes body height of cysts that it is better to ask than the gynecologist to replace with nyxes of Lydasum, and she in general is perplexed, how to me could appoint or nominate a physiotherapy. She is right?
The second question: whether it is possible for me to try zaberemenit in a following cycle after a physiotherapy how it in general influences pregnancy, on a phase of maturing of an ootid and on already, we shall admit or allow, the impregnated ootid? That is whether the physiotherapy is compatible to process of pregnancy? Whether it is harmful? Or can wait still a cycle?
We with the husband were treated from ureaplasmas 3 months ago, PTSR on all infections negative. 3 months - are enough for updating smermy after antibiotics?
Thanks huge!
P. S.: very much it would be desirable the baby, forces to suffer or bear already are not present! It has decided to be prepared competently for pregnancy, to hand over necessary analyses - and it has turned out. That a year I go on doctors, I am flied or treated, though felt healthy. Can in vain?

Maljarskaja M.M.
19.08.2004, 11:43
Melkokistoznaja the structure or frame of an ovary and a cyst are absolutely different things. Mum is not right. At melkokistoznoizmenennnyh ovaries (these are follicles such fine. Because normal do not ripen) just the electrophoresis of Zincum is shown. An another matter. That the physiotherapy always should be begun with the beginning of a cycle. Well it is unimportant. Lydasum too it is good. Is protivospaechnyh methods much. Appointed or nominated to you just it is good at such changes of an ovary.
Now about pregnancy? During fizio to be protected objazzatelno and more 2 cycles after. Because the physiotherapy causes inflow cuts to a small basin, the edema ttrub and raises or increases for a while probability of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis a little. Will pass or take place 2 mestsa. se will pass or take place and become pregnant on health.
Knowingly. Infektstsii have cured. eper fizio - will improve a circulation in a uterus, will prepare endmetry and all will be good.
If now nothing disturbs you, you do not feel the solderings (brli..). That can and be not completed a course fizio. Then this cycle following - and to become pregnant