Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Here about 2 months at menya there was a dyscomfort in nizh...

17.08.2004, 11:09
The dear doctor! Here about 2 months at menya there was a dyscomfort in the bottom part spini (in lumbar area and below). After has transferred or carried stress, the dyscomfort has passed in pulling, holding down non-local a pain which is shown at the certain pose sitting or laying. Indometatsinovaja ointment together with tablets of diclofenac for a while help or assist (facilitate a dyscomfort). Never complained of similar displays earlier, with gynecology like problems is not present, anyway was not earlier. Vydeleny is not present, anything any more does not disturb, except for PMS which however at me was from children's age and in occasion of which addressed to the doctor, which any patalogii has not found out. Tell or say please if the back pain can be caused with problems pochepolovyh organs which diseases can cause or call such pain.
In advance I thank!!

Malanova T.B.
19.08.2004, 09:03
By clinic, you should be surveyed at the neuropathologist.