Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! To me have diagnosed by results of vaginalnogo US...

15.08.2004, 20:33
Hello the doctor! To me have diagnosed by results of vaginalnogo US - hr. tservitsit, by results of the analysis of a smear - a yeast colpitis (the huge quantity or amount of leucocytes in a urethra, a vagina, the cervical channel, any infections it was revealed not). Have appointed or nominated treatment mikosist to me and the husband, polizhinaks vaginalno. Besides the urologist has appointed or nominated treatment by antibiotics - the diagnosis a secondary urethritis. In addition the husband also has passed or has taken place inspection at the urologist and has received also treatment.
After treatment I felt normally, however monthly send or have come with pains, after the termination or ending monthly were allocation belo-yellow color, now allocation colorless, but have any unpleasant smell (but not sharp). It can from a semen which has remained there after the sexual certificate or act, and it can again tservitsit? And whether in general it is possible to cure tservitsit for a long time or for ever?

18.08.2004, 09:50
Has forgotten to tell or say still: the Analysis of a smear after treatment has shown - kol-in leucocytes in a urethra and a vagina in norm or rate, and in ts. The channel still high. But genikolog has recommended only prosprintsevatsja narine or bifidumbakterinom days 5.

Malanova T.B.
19.08.2004, 08:14
TServitsit nedolechen. This disease is treated longly and tiresomely. If the effect from spent therapy is not present, crop of the contained cervical channel is done or made.