Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor! I 2 months ago have given birth. Labors physiological, vsrok, poslerodo...

12.08.2004, 04:53
Uv. The doctor! I 2 months ago have given birth. Labors physiological, vsrok, the puerperal period without a pathology. I nurse the kid only. But today have appeared the allocation, similar to a menses, only not such plentiful as earlier up to sorts or labors. Whether early it? And whether it threatens the termination or discontinuance of a lactemia?

The anonym
15.08.2004, 22:19
Lena! Address in conference - the gynecologist t. To. Here the doctor is not present!

18.08.2004, 20:51
Lena, I has given birth 3 months ago. I nurse till now only. At me allocation have begun in 1, 5 months after sorts or labors. I think, what is it were monthly (by the form and on duration). Was at the doctor, have told or said, that if it is monthly with a breast I shall soon cease to feed. The second mejachnyh yet were not, though should begin 2 weeks ago. I feed while till now, milk suffices. At my sister mesechnye have begun in the same term after sorts or labors. She fed till 6 months.