Просмотр полной версии : Hello! We wish to become pregnant. At me the ovulation, by the some is close...

17.08.2004, 14:43
Hello! We wish to become pregnant. At me the ovulation, by some attributes is close. Yesterday there was a slime in a vagina, has read through, what she should be during the moment of an ovulation as an egg white and to last 8 10 sm, at me was to a swill and lasted all nearby 3 h see To wait zagustenija and greater tjanuchesti? Yesterday we taki have worked with the husband sex, today, probably, at me not indicative allocation, but I have checked up all - they still more more razzhizhennymi, there is simple mokro-skolzko, as after greasing (after the certificate or act have passed or have taken place almost day). How you consider or count, what occurs or happens? Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
18.08.2004, 15:58
Buy or Purchase tests for an ovulation.