Просмотр полной версии : Girls, tell or say. We plan wedding. There will be approximately 3 months (now 1). ZHi...

12.08.2004, 11:37
Girls, tell or say. We plan wedding. There will be approximately 3 months (now 1). A tummy it is visible already at this time? Or still is not present? Thanks.

13.08.2004, 21:58
Tummy as those it is not visible, simply you can recover, so a dress choose in view of. And in general all very individually

17.08.2004, 10:06
Natasha! Vo-the first I congratulate on joyful event! Vo-the second, do not worry, on such term of a stomach or belly still it is not visible. You only can feel, that the habitual clothes became tesnovata. The main thing to not squeeze especially a bottom of a stomach or belly, you will consider it in a dress and all will be by way of.

Anna With.
18.08.2004, 10:20
.tut I the expert, marry on this Saturday, will be akkurat 4, 5 (we live for a long time, tjanuli-pulled, and have solved, that is time, and that malyshka the witness will be), I too worried in occasion of a tummy, but even considering, that in the undressed kind he is visible distinctly or clearly, in office kind - nobody is visible (well in jackets in general difficultly to make out), in my wedding order he is not visible absolutely, t. e it is absolute... At me the magnificent skirt which begins pyshnitsja such nice or famous cut is direct from a waist, as the waist is also a tummy sprjatan. And in three months my tummy in fitting clothes looked or appeared, as though I densely attempted up to pregnancy, t. e. Too was not visible and at all. So do not worry, by the way if want date earlier in a registry office term on convenient to you on the basis of your application or statement and the information or inquiry on pregnancy it is moved will make. I congratulate both on a tummy and with wedding, though a tummy certainly more important event!