Просмотр полной версии : Thanks big for the answer sent in 13.05. I wish to specify. My partner...

17.08.2004, 16:38
Thanks big for the answer sent in 13.05. I wish to specify. My partner simply otkazyvaetsja to use Mikosist. Whether there will be bezpoleznym my prophylaxis? I still need to accept 4 tab., that is 4 months. With the partner it is or are not protected - he has handed over all analyses at it or him anything and consequently to use a medicine he otkazyvaetsja. How it is better to act or arrive? To use a condom there is a necessity? If yes, whether that it will be necessary to abstain from oral sex? Or can enough that I accept Mikosist, and he is not present?

Malanova T.B.
18.08.2004, 06:49
Bringing down! Let you only YOUR health always worries. And to do or make all is necessary for your health. If the partner does not wish to be treated, use only a condom, oral sex should not be.