Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! At me such problem. About five weeks I have a blood, t...

17.08.2004, 13:36
At me such problem. About five weeks I have a blood it is strong simply smears.
I understand it is necessary to the doctor, but now such period at job, that in any way. There was a delicacy, what is it can be?
If will not have a drink a neetle of harm?
Abortions did not do or make, did not give birth or travail. A sexual life regular. Thanks

Pasenjuk A.M.
18.08.2004, 06:20
If already there is a delicacy that it is necessary to not postpone visit to the doctor - well there are doctors working in target!!! - because it is attributes anemizatsii. It is possible to accept a neetle, it is necessary to accept iron preparations and vitamins. But necessarily AND URGENTLY TO EXCLUDE the EXTRAUTERINE PREGNANCY or SALPINGOCUESIS!!!