Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I beremenna-14 weeks, have handed over the analysis of a blood on presence of antibodies...

16.08.2004, 05:17
Hello! I beremenna-14 weeks, have handed over the analysis of a blood on presence of antibodies to VPG, TSMV. Are found out: TSMV (IgG) - norm or rate: 0, 199; at me 1, 141. VPG (IgG) - norm or rate: 0, 162; at me 1, 553. And VPG (IgM) - otritsat. At me such question: how it will affect or influence a fetation and in the further on feeding of the child by a breast? In advance many thanks!

16.08.2004, 17:59
Deviations or Rejections from norm or rate insignificant and are not present the acute form. At the chronic form of the given diseases of negative influence on a fetus it will not be rendered, but credits watch or keep up. Probably, the doctor will recommend therapy. And it is very important, that to sorts or labors there were no rashes on sexual labiums (in this case appoint or nominate cesarean). When will do or make US - pay attention to a status of a placenta. It will not affect or influence feeding by a breast in any way. Success.

18.08.2004, 03:54
At you the mixed virus infection. For decrease of negative influence by a fetus, it is desirable to pass or take place preventive courses of treatment periodically. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.