Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me a problem with monthly. They begin with vydeleny temn...

Elena - To
17.08.2004, 16:14
At me a problem with monthly. They begin with vydeleny temno-brown color and some days (3 4), and only proceed after that go usual allocation, is absolutely short (2 3 days, and then, again dark. Such was and earlier, but dark allocation were in the same day, as usual, t. e. Practically at once began normal. With what it can be connected? I addressed to the gynecologist, but earlier and then was it's OK. But now it disturbs me.

Malanova T.B.
18.08.2004, 03:52
More often it is displays of a chronic endometritis, but can be and other reasons. Anyway it or this should not be.