Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me it is some or a little bit questions: 1) if the condom has not torn, z...

17.08.2004, 23:47
Hello! At me it is some or a little bit questions: 1) if the condom has not torn, whether it means, what he has helped or assisted on 100 %? Or latex is capable to pass or miss spermatozoons?.. 2) what real efficiency t. n. A double method, t. e. A condom + tablets? 3) if today - the first day of reception Novineta when it is possible to start sexual attitudes or relations without risk to become pregnant? In advance thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
18.08.2004, 03:46
Hello! 1. No, does not mean. Sometimes the semen gets through pores in latex. 2.100 % (at correct application of both methods). 3. Next month (or to make uzi for 12 day of a cycle and to be convinced of blockade of an ovulation).