Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Help or assist to understand please 12, 02, 01 was a laparoscopy...

16.08.2004, 20:34
Hello! Help or assist to understand please 12, 02, 01 was a laparoscopy in occasion of endometriojdnoj cysts, the ovary external endometriosis of 3 degrees is removed is found out. It is appointed or nominated nemestran. In the middle of the first and second cycle on a background of reception nemestrana appear krovjanistye allocation plentiful enough and last about a week, then pass or take place. It normally or it is necessary to interrupt reception nemestrana?

Pasenjuk A.M.
17.08.2004, 15:17
Such it is possible or probable, reception of a preparation should be continued.