Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, we with the husband are not protected half a year, but to become pregnant it has not turned out...

16.08.2004, 13:14
The doctor, we with the husband are not protected half a year, but to become pregnant it has not turned out. Whether is it norm or rate or it is necessary to spend inspection.

Kamenetskij B.A.
17.08.2004, 10:13
Sterility or Barrenness is defined or determined as disability to conceive at a regular sexual life without preservation within one year.
Pregnancy comes at healthy pairs at presence regulrnoj a sexual life:
- In 3 months - 30 %
- In 7 months - 60 %
- In 12 months - 10 %
The regular sexual life - more than 2 times a month (on the CART) in okoloovuljatornyj perid is considered sufficient pregnancy for offensive or approach.