Просмотр полной версии : Budte dobri pomogite rozobratsja, moja dewuschka goworit chto beremena ot...

09.08.2004, 16:13
Budte dobri pomogite rozobratsja,
moja dewuschka goworit chto beremena ot menja
no ja kogda mi zanimalis seksom ni kokda v nee
ni konchal, mi vsegda zanimalis sexom bez prezervativa
Bolschoe Spasibo.

12.08.2004, 12:23
If term small absolutely - in any way except for the test or dough - ask to show or present the test for pregnancy with 2 mja strias. And to become pregnant with the interrupted sexual certificate or act it is possible.

13.08.2004, 17:25
TEST pokasal otwet polojitelno
no kak bit uwerenim na 100 prozentow
ja ne konchat i mne kagjetsja chto ja ne kontschal v partnera izvenite za prjamotu

The anonym
14.08.2004, 03:04
Actually not always it is possible to feel, that you finish during the first moment. At me the husband too approved or confirmed, that all feels, and in due course have checked up and is valid, during the first moment he not always feels an orgasm though a part of a semen has left... If your girl did or made the test at you and he has shown pregnancy most likely it is pregnant. Mistakes or errors at the test or dough happen in a underside. In general it is possible to descend or go together on US or to hand over the analysis on pregnancy in honey. The center.

17.08.2004, 01:09
If at you tried to be protected by a method " the interrupted sexual certificate or act " and there was a middle of a cycle at the girl she certainly could become pregnant so not all semen at once follows, and the part leaves up to an ejaculation.