Просмотр полной версии : Why so low % - the condom is effective on 50 65 %. And whether it depends...

Olga, 17
14.08.2004, 02:05
Why so low % - the condom is effective on 50 65 %. And whether it depends on quality and the manufacturer. And on packing write, what efficiency of 99 % .chto vsyo-taki actually?
Latex can pass or miss spermatozoons? And what else can arise prblemy at use of condoms, except for break?

15.08.2004, 15:33
The general or common parameters of reliability of condoms on different data of 90 98 %. Besides breaks the condom can slip and remain inside (the member right after therefore is recommended to deduce or remove ejaculations). Latex does not pass or miss spermatozoons, but some doctors consider or count, that latex cannot give 100 % of-th protection against viruses, including a HIV, iz-for the sizes of micropores.

Soboleva L.I.
17.08.2004, 00:15
Dear Olga! Unfortunately, the information on packing and reality are rather various. Efficiency of condoms is really insignificant. A problem that in latex there are pores and under some circumstances (especially when a condom did not steal up on the size) spermatozoons are capable to get through these apertures.