Просмотр полной версии : devchenki, vsem Dobrogo utra, u menya problema, srok 14 nedel, zapori do...

10.08.2004, 05:35
devchenki, vsem Dobrogo utra, u menya problema, srok 14 nedel, zapori dostali, chto delat? mojno li prinimat slabitelnoe? i esli da, to kakoe? zaranee vsem spasibo i zdorov " ya

13.08.2004, 03:49
Laxatives to accept it is not necessary, and that get used and without them not smozhite. Eat apples, a beet, prunes, milk or dairy products is better. And the main thing, move more, do or make gymnastics (if it is possible for you). Success!

16.08.2004, 20:02
liana, at me the same problem it is possible to tell or say from first day of pregnancy. Initially intestine lazy. I tried or tasted all: both a beet, and prunes, result any. Now (term of 20 weeks) every evening I make a bag of tea of Senna, I drink before the dream and every day the result does not keep itself waiting. It is a unique way which rescues or saves;salvages me. My doctor in a course also does not mind.