Просмотр полной версии : Tatyana Borisovna, you responded me to a question about trihomoniaze, have assumed h...

15.08.2004, 07:08
Tatyana Borisovna, you responded me to a question about trihomoniaze, have assumed the chronic form and asked: " That has forced the doctor to make crop on Trichomonases???? It is a complex or difficult technique and it is done or made not in all laboratories ". I passed or took place inspection on all infections before planning of pregnancy. Then the doctor has asked, whether the mistake or error as a result is possible or probable. She has responded, what exactly this analysis at them do or make very precisely. Also has appointed or nominated dear or expensive and complex or difficult treatment. Tatyana Borisovna, explain, whether it is necessary to me to treat this disease, if it chronic? And how it will be reflected in pregnancy if it or him to not treat?
Very much I ask to comment on a situation. I now am in other city, without a registration, and receive consultation of the doctor I can only in paid clinic.

Malanova T.B.
16.08.2004, 03:17
1. If you did or made inspection " on all infections " it PTSR-diagnostics and her or it trihomoniah do not reveal or tap. 2. Trihomoniaz acute it is put on the basis of viewing fresh smears!!! 3. Chronic trihomoniah it is put on the basis of smears and data of crop on a Trichomonas (it is a separate kind of crop, not usual on flora). 4. Both acute and chronic trihomoniaz it is necessarily treated, and treatment both pass or take place the partner. 5. If you are now pregnant, diagnostics should be repeated for full specification of the diagnosis.