Просмотр полной версии : Week provaljalas on the sick-list with a sick throat. A duration of gestation nearby...

11.08.2004, 17:41
Week provaljalas on the sick-list with a sick throat. A duration of gestation about 6 weeks. The gargle and grassy sugar candies almost have not helped or assisted. Has come to work, t. To. In our firm it is so much days to hurt or be ill;be sick is an impudence. About pregnancy in general yet I do not wish to speak the heads, precisely I shall not please. How to treat a throat, cold without tablets?! Every winter I am ill or sick with a strong angina (with fuses), all was already exhausted with this throat. Heart already pricks each time, t. To. There is a complication. Wished to make, certainly, up to pregnancy a lavage of tonsils (antibiotics), but was not in time, zaberemennela earlier. And the throat hurts, and to treat there is nothing, and on job it is necessary to go, and for the child I am afraid. How my sick throat on itself will affect or have an effect? What will advise? And in fact still all the winter long the pregnant woman to go!

12.08.2004, 16:15
Vo-the first, consultation LORa, vo-the second is recommended to you, probably on a background of pregnancy and the weakened or easied immunity the given infection has become aggravated and consequently now gives in to treatment more difficultly, therefore you should spend also fortifying therapy - a high-grade delivery and rest, it is obligatory frukty/berries, hand over the analysis of a blood and be convinced, that a hemoglobin in norm or rate. If necessary begin a course of Polyvitaminums. From chemist's forms you can irrigate a throat with Inhalyptum or bioparoksom (an antibiotic of local action). I also would advise to address in the homeopathic center, t. To. Often treatment by a homeopathy has good effect. Success.

13.08.2004, 01:17
Thanks, Masha. At my place is bioparoks, but I thought it or him it is impossible to treat, t. To. He though also local action, but all an antibiotic...?

13.08.2004, 06:05
I not the doctor, but know, that contraindications to purpose or appointment of it or this a preparation are not present, but I shall repeat, that consultation LORa and in particular concerning purpose or appointment bioparoksa is very desirable. Once again success.

16.08.2004, 02:07
The main thing, do not experience! At me too recently such was, term already 14 weeks, chronic tonzilit, a terrible inflammation... Was in a shock. With mum subtracted or deducted, that it is possible to smear for the night a throat with liquid honey, to wrap up tselofanom, that not liplo, and from above a warm scarf. You will not believe, but for the morning ALL passes or takes place! Honey should be absorbed, and the throat recovers, (if not completely) that the basic signs are removed or taken out. I so always treated tussis, 100 % help or assist. Try or taste!