Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me a delay - 5 days. The house test shows och. slabu...

Katya Ml.
09.08.2004, 15:39
At me a delay - 5 days. The house test shows och. A weak second stria. Has read through in conference what authentically to define or determine presence of pregnancy c pom. US it is possible only at 10 14 days of a delay. Probably, then also it is necessary to go to the doctor. Whether for now it is possible to start to drink vitamins for pregnant women and whether they will damage or injure;hurt without consultation of the doctor?

The anonym
10.08.2004, 06:33
Some times defined or determined presence of pregnancy by means of the test or dough. Never there were mistakes or errors: either she is, or it or her is not present...

Katya Ml.
11.08.2004, 10:02
Instead of will prompt, what vse-taki with vitamins, will not damage or injure;hurt, I have in view of spetsilnye, for berem-h?

13.08.2004, 01:21
At me was too most, pregnancy desired, therefore we checked by means of the test or dough in the first day of a delay, I have bought or purchased 2 tests and both have shown slabenkuju the second strip, I have thought, what is it probably not pregnancy, and prostonesovershenstvo our tests, but nevertheless next day have bought or purchased dear or expensive test (import on 250 r.) and he has precisely shown presence of pregnancy. Here tak-that, already 35 week so it is possible or probable you too are pregnant... I congratulate!!

Pasenjuk A.M.
14.08.2004, 01:08
sli there is a weak stria pregnancy is. Special complexes for pregnant women (prenatal, pregnakea and tp) will not damage or injure;hurt. The doctor needs to be visited or attended not later than 12 weeks.

The anonym
14.08.2004, 13:52
Pregnancy of 19 weeks. Development without deviations or rejections has shown US. But I am am disturbed with one question:
t. To. Pregnancy was not planned, the special literature did not read and... Time three dared to drink on a glass of a champagne of 100 150 gram (till 16 weeks), but after as nachitalas any preventions or warnings of harm of alcohol a place to myself I do not find: how strongly to be reflected my ignorance in the baby?

Pasenjuk A.M.
15.08.2004, 18:30
RESTLESS the ANONYM. I do not think, that from three glasses of a champagne the alcoholic fetopathy, therefore would be generated less worry and do not repeat "mistakes or errors".