Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. To me of 25 years. At me were 2 stood pregnancy (on 5 6 nede...

08.08.2004, 05:29
Good afternoon.
To me of 25 years. At me were 2 stood pregnancy (for 5 6 weeks). Prompt, on what infections it is necessary to hand over analyses, what it or this would occur or happen more, and why so proihosdit?

The anonym
12.08.2004, 04:31
All analyses for inspection before pregnancy
About 20 % of the pairs which are experiencing difficulties with conception, are engaged in sex not at that time. At some women the ovulation comes right after a menses, instead of in the middle of a cycle, others in general have some ovulations for a month. Therefore, do not concern to sacrament of conception too ordinary, calculating most fertilnyj the period. Simply within several months with pleasure make love.
Contrary to a popular belief, the pose practically has no value or meaning;importance for conception. Spermatozoons can be compared to salmons who like to go against the stream, the doctor of medical sciences Mark Sauer, the professor of obstetrics and gynecology from the Colombian university considers or counts. When the seed or spermatic liquid appears in a vagina, millions spermatozoons direct directly to the destination, most shustrye appear there literally in some minutes. So do not worry in occasion of the chosen pose. And in general worry less. The excessive nervous strain badly affects genesial function as men, and women.
The disadvantage of light also can lower genesial function. It was established or installed by experts from the Californian university. They have developed the effective technique, allowing to reduce by means of light unusually long cycle (more than 30 days) which too can become a handicap to conception. Put a bright lamp in meter from a pillow and leave its or her included or switched on for the night with 13 for 17 day of your cycle, the participant of research doctor Mary Kittel advises.
Do not wait the best times. " The fruitless age " as have found out scientists from the Great Britain during large-scale European research, now comes earlier, than it was 15 20 more years back. Till now physicians approved or confirmed, that at men ability to a fertilization gradually decreases after 40 50 years, on new data - since 30 ti. At women the threshold has moved with 35 till 27 years. However, ability to conceive and give birth to the child in many respects depends on age of partners. According to English scientific magazine " Reproduction of the person ", at 35 years or summer women chances to become pregnant make about 29 % if the man its or her coeval, and do not exceed 18 % if he for 5 years is more senior. But at women up to 35 age of the partner the probability is not of great importance also to conceive during year (at regular sexual life) is equaled 86 96 %.
Some women, physically quite healthy, cannot become pregnant iz-for own figures. In excessive harmony (and as a matter of fact to leanness) the nature sees threat for the future baby. Shortage only 3 5 kg, in comparison with normal weight, sometimes leads to disturbance of an ovulation. Excess weight in 10 and more kgs also is capable to create problems with conception and vynashivaniem pregnancy.
Eat it is high-grade and it is various (and it concerns and to the future father). In the daily menu - the raised or increased norms or rates of a calcium and Acidum folicum, and also vitamin E, group of vitamins B, Zincum: meat, a liver, milk and milk or dairy products, green vegetables, seafoods and vegetable oil.
It is necessary to hand over what analyses, planning pregnancy?
1. By all means visit or attend the therapist to define or determine the general or common state of health, the stomatologist (many infections, capable to break or disturb a normal course of pregnancy, get into an organism from the teeth amazed or struck by caries).
2. The General or Common clinical analysis of a blood. Undertakes from a finger. Will help or assist to specify the general or common state of health.
3. The General or Common analysis wet (a morning portion is going to completely).
4. Pass or Take place survey at the gynecologist, make a colposcopy. This procedure - long (about 20 minutes), but practically painless, - will allow to exclude a pathology shejki uteruses.
5. And you, and your husband should hand over a blood for definition of group of a blood and rezus-the factor. Here two variants are possible or probable:
At you positive rezus-the factor - it is excellent or different, problems are not present;
At you negative rezus-the factor - it is necessary to hand over the analysis of a blood on antibodies to rezus-to the factor (even if at the man he too negative). If result of the analysis positive, pregnancy now is impossible, necessary updating of a status. If negative, can safely plan a birth of the kid. Only do not forget to repeat this analysis of once a month 8 weeks of pregnancy. If at the woman 1 group of a blood, and at the man any another; at the woman - 2, and at the man 3 or 4; at the woman 3, and at the man 2 or 4 incompatibility on groups of a blood is possible or probable. The analysis on group antibodies, as well as the analysis on antibodies to rezus-to the factor, is spent with once a month, since 8 weeks of pregnancy.
6. TORCH-a complex (presence of antibodies in a blood). Only the quantitative analysis with a credit will allow to reveal antibodies to a rubella, toksoplazme, to a herpes, a cytomegalovirus (TSMV), to chlamydias. Presence of antibodies IgM shows immunity to these infections, you can easy plan pregnancy. Presence IgM means an acute stage of disease, postpone an idea on the child before convalescence. If to a rubella there are no antibodies IgM, it is necessary to inoculate and after it or her to be protected 3 more months. Also do not ask the parents, whether you were ill or sick with a rubella. Precisely the nobility it is impossible - illness or disease quite often proceeds under mask ORZ, and on the contrary. The analysis can give the exact information only.
7. Analyses on an infection: a usual smear, PTSR (polimeraznaja chain reaction, it is spent at both spouses). Allow to find out the latent infections which can break or disturb normal current of pregnancy: a clamidiosis, a mycoplasmosis, a herpes, a cytomegalovirus.
8. US of organs of a small basin. Allows to exclude a hysteromyoma, a polyp zndometrija, other diseases.
9. The Schedule of basal temperature will give representation about job of ovaries. That it or him to make, daily at a time in an interval with 6 till 8 mornings, not rising from bed, take a mercurial thermometer temperature in a rectum. All disturbances of a regimen (for example if have overslept and have taken temperature later), and also special circumstances (malaises concern to them, disturbances of a dream reception of medicines, a menses, intimal affinity, disturbances of a chair) mark or celebrate in a special column. That data were informative, they need to be written down not less than 3 cycles. Also it is desirable - before pregnancy.
10. If at you an irregular menstrual cycle, morbid, plentiful or, on the contrary, poor or scanty monthly, the fat skin, a superfluous pilosis, is surplus or, on the contrary, patent defect of mass of the body, the schedule made by you or US show some deviations or rejections the doctor can appoint or nominate to you the analysis of a blood to hormones (definition of the hormonal status).
11. Gemostaziogramma, a coagulogram - this analysis shows coagulability of a blood. Inflow of a blood and maintenance with nutrients and oxygen of a fetus depends on a status of coagulating system. Congenital, initial disturbances are better for revealing and correcting in advance.
12. Definition of lupoid anticoagulant, antibodies to chorionic Gonadotropinum, antibodies to fosfolipidam will allow to reveal factors early nevynashivanija pregnancy. Even before conception it is necessary to know, whether there are no occasions for fears from this party or side and if is - to take measures.
It seemed to you, what it is a lot of analyses? This ideal inspection. Now the doctor knows possible or probable problems with which your organism can collide or face for 9 most responsible or crucial months in your life, and will conduct pregnancy in vseoruzhii. Certainly, the probability, that at all of you is high by way of. But also then analyses handed over knowingly! You will be quiet for yourselves and the future kid.
The formula zdoro
www. ma-ma. ru

15.08.2004, 17:08
The most important - to hand over a blood on a toxoplasmosis, a cytomegalovirus, a rubella, a smear on chlamydias, a mycoplasma and a ureaplasma. Also it is necessary to hand over still a blood on hormones at the endocrinologist. Probably, the thyroid gland is amazed or struck. To me still did or made intravulval or intravaginal uzi and uzi shchitovidki.