Просмотр полной версии : After a currettage it is diagnosed: " ZHelesto-a fibrous polyp endometrija...

Natasha. With.
13.08.2004, 07:15
After a currettage it is diagnosed: " ZHelesto-a fibrous polyp endometrija. Dysfunction of ovaries. " Norcolutum within 6 months is appointed or nominated. The endometriosis too exists. Whether enough this treatment? Age - 43.

Irtuganov N.S.
14.08.2004, 21:40
Dear Natasha! Basically - all is competent. During treatment be observed at endokrinologa-the gynecologist. If you live in Moscow, is ready to accept you internally, in this case write to me on the electron address. Success

15.08.2004, 17:02
Dear.! Thanks for the answer. Inform please, when and where I can arrive to you on reception. My ph. (house) 964 97 26. Natasha