Просмотр полной версии : Hello, prompt, the oculist has written, that it is necessary to exclude potuzhnoj per...

01.08.2004, 02:23
Hello, prompt, the oculist has written, that it is necessary to exclude potuzhnoj the period. It means cesarean?

03.08.2004, 15:39
Ugu. Unfortunately. And what, a cornea weak or vision bad is simple? At my girlfriend simply vision very bad, and her too the oculist has told or said kotegorichno: cesarean. And she very much wished to give birth or travail itself. Has was engaged in this business, descended or went to the good oculist. That has examined it or her and has told or said: though vision and bad, but a cornea by way of, is possible most. She already for a long time has given birth, itself, houses in bathing. All is excellent or different. Esteem more literatures on this subject, descend or go to kompitentnomu to the doctor. Borrow or occupy in it or this, in fact it is very important to give birth or travail most.

07.08.2004, 12:53
Still can offer forcepses: (And voobshche-that it is necessary to look a status of a retina, an eyeground and a cornea. If there are problems - better cesarean. I longly doubted, but at me operation on a cornea was. Has then solved, that healthy mum is necessary to the child. If you in Moscow - I recommend a maternity home Visible, at them a technique for natural sorts or labors with a myopia. And kesarjat there as it is healthy!

07.08.2004, 18:24
By the way I too in Visible gave birth or travailled, at Olga Sergeevny Moiseevoj. It is very happy.

09.08.2004, 09:24
I gave birth or travailled about a minus 10 itself, but with full epidural, t. e. To me and on attempts it or her have not removed or have not taken off. I certainly made an effort, but at all with that intensity as could.

Denisova E.A.
09.08.2004, 15:14
Oksana, I support or maintain Arina. It will be better let cesarean. It is not necessary to risk the health and the child.

10.08.2004, 01:56
In itself myopia of a high degree - not the indication to cesarean. At me, for example, a retina in an excellent or a different status. But here a cornea... So in any case consultation of the skilled or experienced ophthalmologist is necessary, I at Fedorova was, the conclusion about a way of a delivery, and doctors there skilled or experienced there do or make. And then to make a decision. But I assure you, cesarean not so strasho as it seems. And at the child at scheduled cesarean section of problems does not happen, at least, no more, than at natural sorts or labors.

13.08.2004, 20:20
Thanks, all responded! I why asked, that the oculist have categorically specified cesarean, and local the gynecologist, speaks, what is it a unwarranted precaution. And like as is going to to send me on usual labors.

15.08.2004, 15:00
Oksana, and can at the oculist there are bases?