Просмотр полной версии : Hello? In the summer I had a stood pregnancy of 8 weeks. After delivery...

14.08.2004, 20:58
Hello? In the summer I had a stood pregnancy of 8 weeks. After delivery of analyses on infections and hormones, have defined or determined, that Testosteron-Depotum and Progesteronum is a little raised or increased to be near to the bottom border. Now I wish to become pregnant. The doctor has appointed or nominated to me Djufaston with 15 for 25 day of a cycle. In the middle of a cycle I one day had a botched work, and then it's OK. Whether purpose or appointment Djufastona is correct? Whether its or his application sprovatsirovat functional cysts of ovaries or pomeshet ovulations Can?

15.08.2004, 13:51
Anja, botched work quite could be at an ovulation. djufaston necessarily accept.