Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! 17-ti years my diagnosis - a hypoplasia 1 j degrees, disfun...

13.08.2004, 22:25
The dear doctor! 17-ti years my diagnosis - a hypoplasia 1 j degrees, dysfunction of ovaries. Monthly - since 13 years, irregular - a cycle from 35 days about several months. Hormones on the bottom border of norm or rate. It was treated by Microfollinum and djufastonom, tsiklo-proginovoj, but after the termination or discontinuance again anovulatory cycles. The doctor has told or said on US, what to become pregnant it is not enough chances, but this day I have become pregnant (as?). Has learned or has found out on term of 3 4 weeks and has made abortion. Later month, monthly is not present. t = 36, 5. How to be? To become pregnant I want in a year. Whether it is necessary to accept djufaston or something similar?

15.08.2004, 12:34
Tanja, hello! You could not write, on what cycle after a cancelling mikrofolina and djufastona there has come or stepped pregnancy? Or she has come or stepped during reception? I too drink mikrof. And djuf., have told or said, that on their background pregnancy is improbable. And how was at you? Write, if it is possible on lacky2000@mail. ru