Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear Doctor! By results of a cytology and kalposkopii with...

12.08.2004, 20:21
Hello, the dear Doctor! By results of a cytology and kalposkopii with a biopsy at me the diagnosis: pseudo-erosion shejki uteruses. The doctor without variants offers DEK, speaking, that only this way is possible prizhech deep erosion (and at me she just those). Whether it is valid and kriodistruktsija here will not help or assist or simply given medical establishment does not own others, than DEK methods. And more, whether dejstvietelno so it is terrible DEK, whether it is a lot of complications (I am going to to give birth or travail year through 2 3). I know, that the best way treatment of erosion the laser, but in Ekaterinburg there is no medical establishment applying it or him for cauterization of erosion. Thanks huge.

Malanova T.B.
15.08.2004, 11:00
Then it is better to do or make krio. More sparing way of treatment.