Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. We live with the husband five years. I cannot become pregnant (sexual...

Marina G
14.08.2004, 00:16
Good afternoon.
We live with the husband five years. I cannot become pregnant (a sexual life we live not on a regular basis a maximum once a week.) 1. Whether there can be it because in current of this time we seldom live, or if all in norm or rate pregnancy all the same would come or step?
Now I pass or I take place inspection, I hand over various analyses. Tell or say please that define or determine analyses of urine 17 ks? A blood 17 OR? .2 As they influence an opportunity to become pregnant?
3. If all analyses in norm or rate (for my part), advise please that to me to undertake further?????
4. What analyses should hand over the man?
Thankful in advance.

Pasenjuk A.M.
15.08.2004, 04:11
1/Yes. It is the possible or probable reason, that sexual certificates or acts do not fall fertilnye to days.
2. These analyses for revealing giperanrogenii - the raised or increased quantity or amount of man's sexual hormones that can negatively influence ability to conception
3. To survey the man (spermogramma, antispermalnye antibodies, infections) to exclude immune sterility or barrenness (the postcoital test).