Просмотр полной версии : Definition of an ovulation

14.08.2004, 11:13
Hello! Calculated day of an ovulation under the special test or dough (on urine), in one of days was two bright strias, on sledushchy day after that day again - one bright (constant), and another is hardly visible. What is it can mean? - 1) hormonal emission only once, quickly falling down 2) the ovulation passed or took place in day when there were two bright strias and was very short (hours 8 12 t) (strange why in advance then the test has not informed or notified me, it is written, what shows an ovulation for 24 48 hours)? Comment, please.

14.08.2004, 15:40
The test with two bright strias - positive. In 24-48 hours after it or him - an ovulation. The test shows not an ovulation, and the emission of a hormone PREVIOUS her. Therefore on a trace. Day, in day of an ovulation, he already negative, all is correct.