Просмотр полной версии : Hello. How much myself I remember, years with 12 like, I do not know whence has undertaken-...

13.08.2004, 10:36
Hello. How much myself I remember, years with 12 like, I do not know whence has undertaken - mucous with white allocation from a vagina. Small was - thought so supposedly and it is necessary. When has understood, what is it not so (17 years) has addressed to the gynecologist. It was found out, that from me a thrush, the doctor has registered suppositories with Nistatinum. When I have left from the doctor have recollected - at me since the childhood alergija on antibiotics. But to come back in the dying in the last ditch, flown into a rage turn was late. Longly doubted, has then tried or tasted a course. Allergies were not, but also the effect the slightest was not. After a while has passed or has taken place the second course - with the same effect. Nistatinum did not operate or work. Since then I in any way shall not seize time to go to the doctor, cities I change, and with our system in an out-patient department it is necessary since early morning for talonchikom to turn to stand - does not leave in any way...: (all proceeds (by the way the doctor has told or said also, that at me erosion shejki uteruses, but it supposedly happens, will pass or take place itself). In one magazine subtracted or deducted the name of a medicine - "Difljukan". One tablet supposedly and you are healthy. Yet did not meet. You could not tell or say something in occasion of a picture of disease as a whole (passivity in this case is how much dangerous), and this medicine in particular?

Pasenjuk A.M.
14.08.2004, 09:39
If there is an erosion shejki uteruses allocation can be display of erosion. As a small amount of allocation from a vagina if thus there is no itch, a smell and tp, normally.
Difljukan a good preparation for treatment of a candidiasis, but I would not recommend to accept it or him without the analysis on flora and the analysis on sexual infections.