Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, the doctor, naksolko suppositories with bifidumbakterinom against molo are effective...

Svetlana, Kaliningrad
13.08.2004, 04:32
Tell or Say, the doctor, naksolko suppositories with bifidumbakterinom against a thrush on term of 38 weeks are effective? And suppositories with atselaktom? Also what nevertheless you would advise - on the given term-what suppositories most will render favorable influence?

Pasenjuk A.M.
14.08.2004, 07:25
At a candidiasis of a suppository with bifidumbakterinom or atsilaktom protivopokazany.luchshe ALL TO APPLY COMBINED VAGINALNYE SUPPOSITORIES of TYPE TERZHINAN OR polizhinaks.