Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. I ask you to comment on my situation. 2...

12.08.2004, 07:58
Hello, the doctor.
I ask you to comment on my situation. 2 (abortion in the anamnesis). Pipes are passed or taken place;passable. A cycle of 27 30 days. Hormones 1 phase (6 d. ts.) S 481 (norm or rate 270 6000), Testosteron-Depotum 0, 68 (0, 1 1), Oestradiolum 51, 9 (25 100), LG 5 (0, 79 10, 3), FSG 6, 6 (3 20), Prolactinum 226, 8 (40 670), a hydrocortisone 707, 9(250 720).2 I a phase (24 d. ts.) Testosteron-Depotum 0, 44 (0.1 1), Oestradiolum 71, 7 (70 220), Progesteronum 17, 8 (1, 7 28, 8), Prolactinum 198 (40 670). Urogenital infections are not present. On the average BT following
Day of a cycle Temperature
4 36, 6
5 36, 5
6 36, 5
7 36, 5
8 36, 4
9 36, 3
10 36, 5
11 36, 3
12 36, 5
13 36, 3
14 36, 3
15 36, 3
16 36, 4
17 36, 4
18 36, 3
19 36, 6
20 36, 6
21 36, 6
22 36, 9
23 36, 8
24 36, 9
25 36, 8
26 36, 7
27 36, 7
28 36, 7
29 36, 8
30 36, 8
Failure of a yellow body. The second cycle I accept klostilbegid with 5 for 9 day. 1 j a cycle on 1 tablet, now the second - on 2 e tablets. With 16 on 25 - djufaston. Here temperature of the first cycle of reception. On US - dominant or prepotent folikul on 12 d. ts. - 2 see
1 36, 50
5 36, 70
6 36, 30
7 36, 80
8 36, 50
9 36, 70
10 36, 70
11 36, 40
12 36, 50
13 36, 50
14 36, 40
15 36, 50
17 36, 70
18 37, 00
19 36, 90
20 37, 00
21 36, 80
22 36, 90
23 36, 90
24 36, 80
25 36, 80
26 36, 60
27 36, 40
Here that very much disturbs. At reception klostilbegida - the terrible thrush, the raised or increased leucocytes. Has treated polizhinaksom, has passed or has taken place. In the second cycle I accept - again a thrush. Besides, at the husband the member has become covered rankami, has swelled up, red and shchipet. What to do or make? In advance thanks for the answer.

Rabaev S.G.
13.08.2004, 05:50
Stimulation it is proved. Can discuss with treating vrachem a question on an opportunity of stimulation of an ovulation preparation Djufaston.

14.08.2004, 06:41
Thanks the doctor. And you read my report? I accept Djufaston.