Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor to me 41 year after 3 go a cycle of reception klostilbegita - p...

12.08.2004, 12:01
Hello the doctor to me 41 year after 3 go a cycle of reception klostilbegita - the first two-fetal pregnancy of 10 weeks - such for the different reasons was not included into ours plany-the doctor has not warned that after klostil-that probably such. What usually turn out bliznetsy-one or dvujajtsevye. Whether and by virtue of modern medicine probably to clean or remove one fetus in such situation. Thanks.

Kamenetskij B.A.
12.08.2004, 14:33
Usually raznojajtsevye (not twins). The reduction is possible or probable till 13 weeks of pregnancy.

popenko. Century
12.08.2004, 22:01
Yes it is possible or probable. There is a so-called reduction of embryoses. But you should know, that this procedure can have complications. She can end with an abortion of the remained embryos.

14.08.2004, 02:36
And where it is possible to make a reduction of embryoses in Moscow or minske and how much it costs or stands. Thanks.