Просмотр полной версии : eva the doctor has directed on anilizy: crop from fauces of a nose on stafillokok and crop moch...

12.08.2004, 22:06
eva the doctor has directed on anilizy: crop from fauces of a nose on stafillokok and crop wet. For what it is done or made and as these analyses surrender
The doctor Not clear purposes or appointments. Urine should be sowed, if there is a pathology of kidneys and in the analysis of urine there are bacteria. And what for to do or make crop of a fauces and a nose? Can you often be ill or sick???
eva I do not know, wetting like normal. And so chronic renit happens. How I can refuse these researches? The doctor at once demands to write refusal in writing. I can result or bring what reasons, if he will ask, why I refuse?

Malanova T.B.
14.08.2004, 01:31
As researches most likely paid, the doctor should prove necessity of these researches precisely. Can be better visit all over again on reception at the nephrologist and LOR-the doctor?