Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! Happy New Year! Whether tell or say please the preparation kl can...

11.08.2004, 21:35
Hello the doctor! Happy New Year! Whether tell or say please can klostilbegit cause or call a preparation a delay monthly? I had a bend of a uterus I was treated at the gynecologist and she has registered to me this medicine. At the husband oligospermija-he was not treated. We are married 6 months and monthly at me happen to periodicity of 24 25 days, today already 29 j day! Respond, please!

Kamenetskij B.A.
12.08.2004, 06:06
Make the test for pregnancy.

13.08.2004, 08:24
Thanks for the answer the doctor but the matter is that at me 3 put a flu will not affect or influence zto the answer?
And at me a delay for 5 6 days it is possible to spend testing?
I shall be very glad if you will respond to mine voprosy-I very much I wish to have the child.

Kamenetskij B.A.
13.08.2004, 17:16
It will not affect or influence result of the test or dough