Просмотр полной версии : Question to experts! Very important! Tell or Say at suspicion on extrauterine...

12.08.2004, 05:59
Question to experts! Very important!
Tell or Say at suspicion on an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis
Whether plays a role term on which she it has been certain? e. If before it or her have defined or determined - more chances to leave a pipe?
Kto-somebody in Moscow does or makes such operation and what percent or interest of that that in the further in this pipe will not occur or happen too most?
Heard different opinions.
And m.. Somebody will prompt where it is possible to make US on holidays, the hormonal analysis wet?!
It is desirable phone or the link! Help or assist!

Pasenjuk A.M.
13.08.2004, 13:19
Yes, the earlier the extrauterine pregnancy or salpingocuesis is revealed, the it is more than chances to save a uterine pipe. Well tuboplatiku does or makes Aziev in TSPSiR (Sevastopol, 24), in 31 GKB... (excuse, has forgotten a surname) - there can approach or drop in, they render the round-the-clock emergency help. In the same place there is a US and laboratory. The laboratory is still to 1 town (Lenin pr-t, 8).