Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. Very much it would be desirable to learn or find out, why having learned or having found out that I with...

12.08.2004, 18:45
Hello, the doctor. Very much it would be desirable to learn or find out, why having learned or having found out what I since a birth was iskusstvennitsej, doctors speak, as my child too will be iskusstvennikom?

The anonym
12.08.2004, 22:52
Because, unfortunately, doctors often happen not so clever people and lean or base not on scientific data, and on hearings, conjectures and the household experience! To my girlfriend such doctor has declared, that " it is necessary to be washed away at pregnancy by a laundry soap and to do or make syringing soap rasstvorom then there will be no thrush because SO our GRANDMOTHERS DID or MADE And DID NOT KNOW, THAT SUCH the THRUSH "! Therefore do not listen to such "medical" advice or councils and... Wait. Successes!

13.08.2004, 07:50
Basically if your mum did not have a milk can be and at you it or him will be not so much (raspingly speaking in fact there are breeds of cows "milk or dairy", and happen, for example, "meat" which give some milk less). Consider or count that you from that breed, which not strongly "milk" or "dairy" (though milk give all taki all), but it ONLY in that case if milk at it or her was not for any physiological reasons instead of because to her natrepali nerves, have stuffed with any medicines or simply first time have allowed to feed on tretij-the fifth day after sorts or labors, when milk already simply was gone (that by the way has been very widespread) So does not hammer to itself a head nonsenses and be going to nurse. By the way on mama. ru there is an interesting section "wet nurse".
And in advice or councils to be washed away by a laundry soap the certain logic and is. In a terrible brown "Soviet" laundry soap there is no chemistry in difference from toilet which we usually use, that already in itself it is very quite good. And here during pregnancy how much or as far as I know syringing at all it is not recommended.

Pasenjuk A.M.
13.08.2004, 12:39
It is not obligatory, that you will not have a milk. It not the correct statement. If you want to feed and will feed, all will be good. Can as after sorts or labors to address in company " Thoracal feeding " - there help or assist mums, wishing to feed.