
Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, prompt, plz. 1. To measure BT it is better in a rectum or in enclosed...

10.08.2004, 11:18
The doctor, prompt, plz. 1. To measure BT it is better in a rectum or in a vagina? (I have tried or tasted in a rectum - there are unpleasant sensations, painful.) 2. It is considered the first day monthly (plentiful vydeleny) in the first afternoon of a cycle? And if all over again smearing allocation, it is considered the beginning monthly and 1 ym in the afternoon of a cycle? And if monthly nasupajut in the evening? Thanks in advance.

Malanova T.B.
13.08.2004, 10:12
1. The temperature is measured only in a rectum. 2. Smearing allocation up to a menses are not considered, only the beginning scarlet vydeleny is considered in the first afternoon. 3. Day of the beginning vydeleny (even in the evening) is considered in the first afternoon.