Просмотр полной версии : Hello!!! Whether prompt, please, it is possible during pregnancy de...

06.08.2004, 13:05
Whether prompt, please, it is possible to do or make an electroepilation or a photoepilation during pregnancy. If YES, that is less safe for the baby?
Thankful in advance.

09.08.2004, 11:57
Voobshche-that, foto-and doctors to do or make an electroepilation do not advise for the various reasons. Personally I do or make an electroepilation only under mouses, on other parts while I try to consult the razor (though has noted, that hair began to grow very slowly, it can is connected by that did or made only an electroepilation earlier).

11.08.2004, 03:09
At me the first trimester, an electroepilation the doctor has resolved in view of, that I to her am habitual.

13.08.2004, 07:27
Dear Oksana! An electroepilation I do not recommend, as electric impulses can provoke threat of an abortion. Can use a bioepilation. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-the endocrinologist the expert on sterility or barrenness and conducting patients and pregnant women with high risk Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.