Просмотр полной версии : Hello! One year ago has given birth. Recently handed over analyses on an infection. Rezul...

The anonym
13.08.2004, 00:55
Hello! One year ago has given birth. Recently handed over analyses on an infection. Results negative.
But in a smear the mixed flora. With what it can be connected? The doctor has appointed or nominated atselakt. And more...
Have found out small erosion, the doctor has appointed or nominated to cauterize. An electrocoagulation. Nitrogen has told or said in our out-patient department do not do or make. After monthly has appointed or nominated a biopsy, and then to cauterize. How to be prepared for these procedures and on what to pay attention after.
In advance thanks!

Pasenjuk A.M.
13.08.2004, 03:20
The smear should be "pure or "clean enough", with rods, instead of with the mixed flora. It is More anything to do or make it is not necessary. If the biopsy will be horoaja, it is possible to ask a direction where nibud potsentralnee or in a hospital (if in Moscow live, in TSPSiR on Sevastopol, there the laser under the policy, in TSPSiR on Babushkinskoj, "surgitron" under the policy). After to not live a sexual life two weeks.