Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I already have more than week strongly the bottom of a stomach or belly hurts. I obratilas...

12.08.2004, 14:14
Hello. I already have more than week strongly the bottom of a stomach or belly hurts. I have addressed in the medical center. After survey (was very much bolezneno) to me have diagnosed - a colpitis. Uzi has shown uvelichenye ovaries and with the cyst is left. Analyses only today will be ready. To me have offered treatment there-, but very much dorogo-it is more 20000. Advice or councils on treatment outside of this center do not do or make. And yesterday at night prokticheski not spola, prosnulas from a pain (thought that the stomach or belly will burst and the loin hurted or was ill;was sick). I yesterday wrote in your fast pomoshch and to me have advised to address in an out-patient department. But there srazu-will offer in hospital, and there as raskazyvajut, and to treat that there is nothing. I wish to address in other honey. The center where to me will appoint or nominate treatment. Advise where to me better to address. In advance thanks

13.08.2004, 01:10
The smear on a cytology is a preventive smear. Most likely such pains presence of a cyst you causes spoke nothing about an inflammation in appendages. Depending on the sizes of a cyst it is possible to appoint or nominate an out-patient treatment. I doubt, that treatment of a colpitis can cost 20 thousand