Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At my wife a duration of gestation of 12 weeks. At it or her has happened sil...

11.08.2004, 15:00
Hello! At my wife a duration of gestation of 12 weeks. It or she had a strong fixing or lingering hysterics. Tell or say, please, as it will be reflected in our kid? In advance thanks.

12.08.2004, 09:22
It last within day

12.08.2004, 18:53
I think, that will be reflected. It is However, good, that term small. At me during pregnancy 2 times were the strongest nervous failure. One - in the beginning, another - weeks in 30. As a result - the child nemnozhno nervous, hardly what not on it or him is is rolled up so, that labiums become blue. In general, read in an Internet, that on time of nervous shocks, it is necessary to pregnant women to speak the kid, what is it to it or him;them does not concern, and also to represent its or his wrapped up in odejaltse, t. e., as though that did not hear and did not feel. I think, that the share of true in this advice or councils is.